My new working environment

By steven88net
When you are hired for temporarily/ part time staff, trust me, there is always a difference between the status of the part time staff and permanent staff in terms of benefits, relationship, stress level and so on.

Forget about it first, I have took a few pictures of my working area. Let's have a look.

As there is no any additional deskstop for me, I am "forced" to use notebook for this 2 months. The good news is that I can bring this laptop to home. Hahaha. As you guys can see from the picture above, there are plenty of files on my small table. Actually I am sharing the table with permanent staff.

As you guys notice, there is a cup of mocha coffee next to the notebook. It becomes my stimulator for every single day. That's what I will be doing when works are done.

That's the pass for temporarily staff.

Hm, overall, Trane is a good company as it is an international air conditioning business firm that done pretty well in these few decades. Recently, Trane Malaysia have won the Asian President Award, applause for them. People are friendly and the good thing is they always like to eat foods. They always brought me to nowhere to eat. There was once my senior brought me to somewhere near University Malaya for "chap fan". An organization always do have political issues, conflict of interests and so on. I believe if member in an organization can be intergrated, all issue can be solved easily. Basically, that is the bad thing that I observed in most of the company that I worked before. The larger the organization, people will tend to backstab on each other. The more they do, more people will left the organization.

-steven88net sign off-


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